Top Ten Mystery/Thriller Authors

Most of the Authors on my list are still cranking out bestsellers although I haven’t read much of the Mystery/Thriller genre in the past few years. My Mystery /Thriller reading faded away when I discovered Paranormal Romance, which evolved into Urban Fantasy.)  I tend toward Genre Phases rather than reading from multiple genres within a given time period. The advantage is it allows a pool of unread books from favorite author’s to build up while I ‘m gone.


J. D. Robb:

(pen name for Nora Roberts) I’ve enjoyed many of her Eve Dallas novels about a futuristic cop. Regretfully this series is one of the very few series I’ve read out of order. I couldn’t remember which ones I’ve read. After buying a few “new” Eve Dallas books only to realize they were books I’d already read old with a new cover, I gave the series up—I resent this practice. (Read about 2-3 books a week for a few decades—you’ll lose track of the books too.)


J. A. Jance:

Of her four series, I prefer the Joana Brady Series. Brady is a widowed mother turned Sheriff of an Arizona rancher community.


Faye Kellerman:

Her Peter Decker and Rina Lazarus novels are excellent and offer interesting insight into Orthodox Jewish traditions and lifestyle. I value novels that can educate as well as entertain.


Jonathon Kellerman

His main character Alex Delaware is a child psychologist who consults as a court expert witness. He gets drawn into helping to solve crimes by his clients, LAPD, and sometimes at gun point. My favorite character is Milo the slouchy LAPD detective friend and sidekick to Alex.

(He’s married to Faye and their son Jesse writes good psychological suspense as well.)


Carla Neggers:

Her mysteries are usually set in, or have ties to, New England. I like that her books introduce fresh characters but are interwoven with overlapping histories and circumstances to earlier characters. Her mysteries lean toward romance and often feature hunky Navy seal or ranger type heroes.


Lisa Scottoline:

I have a fondness for the Scottoline books that feature the women of law firm Rosato and Associates—all feisty, intelligent, assertive woman  who aren’t always so smart or strong in their personal lives.


Iris Johansen:

I especially prefer her books that feature Eve Duncan, a forensic sculptor who reconstructs human skulls to identify human remains, but I recommend all her books.


Janet Evanovich:

The latest paperback Stephanie Plum novel is a standard for my vacation reading.  A perfect choice for light and funny reading even if they are rather weak in the Mystery/Thriller department. Ranger or Morelli: Ranger! (Fans will know what I mean).


Tony Hillerman

I faithfully read every Navajo Tribal Police mystery with Jim Chee and Joe Leaphorn. Hillerman incorporated his knowledge of Navajo customs and history into the unique geography of New Mexico. Sadly, Hillerman passed away in 2008, Hágoónee’. (Navajo for Good-bye)


Carl Hiaasen

His adult books introduce murder and mayhem in Florida Everglades and Keys and creates hysterically offbeat characters to either commit crimes or unravel the mystery. He gave me my fascination with Key West.  Hiaasen’s minor but reoccurring character Skink, the loony recluse and former Florida governor who lurks in the everglades wearing a flowered shower cap, has my vote for most intriguing Hiaasen character.

Who are your favorite Mystery/Thriller Authors?

Top Ten Books that Need to Remain in Printed Format

I prefer reading on my Kindle over a printed book. (see Top Ten Reasons I love My Kindle post) But there are some books that just belong in printed book format. Kid’s books dominate the list with books that provide texture, attached parts and even aromas. Another issue is size does mater, some books need to be large.
I hope these books will always be available on paper.
So far publishers agree. All of the types of books on the list can be purchased in printed format, 9 at Amazon, but only 1 of the 9 is available in Kindle format (AKF)


Where’s Waldo, Martin Handford

The illustrations on Waldo books spread across two pages, 12″ x 20″ crammed full of tiny people in a themed setting. The goal: Find Waldo, the guy in a red stripped hat and shirt. In each sequel book Waldo gets smaller and harder to find. Suggested ages bracket is 4-8. I think they would need help, no issue since preteens thru adults loved to find Waldo too. NAKF(Not Available in Kindle Format)


Bibles & other religious tomes

It would be definitely be easier to read a bible on a Kindle, and defininately easier to tote around. But there is something about the feel of a Bible. The paper just seems almost silky feeling to me. I love the feel of the paper edge when you fan the pages. I remember  the gilded edges of my Grandma’s bible and the things she stuck between pages. Hundreds of Bibles are sold in Kindle format as well as printed format. AKF


Works of Art Books

For instance, Slavadore Dali by Rachel Barnes. So much detail and quality is already lost when paintings are reproduced onto paper even in a 17”x 14” like this book. Too much more would be lost on a color Kindle or even a larger ipad. Pixels and Dali don’t mix. NAKF


School Yearbooks

What good is a yearbook without silly saying and autographs from classmates in the borders 2 good 2B 4gotten. For obvious reason yearbooks are not available at Amazon in any format.


Rand McNally Road Atlas and others

These books open up to a 15” X  21” state map spread and I wouldn’t want them any smaller. I love following a road trip on a map. GPS’s are great but you can’t see a whole road trip, where you came from and where you’re headed. A Kindle screen wouldn’t be much better. NAKF


Coffee Table Books

Those large glossy nonfiction books people display on coffee tables. A Kindle laying on the table just wouldn’t cut it. Usually full of large photographs and brief descriptions, typical coffee table book subject matter includes travel, National Parks, and Histories of Wars, Aviation, Art, or Architecture. (Slavador Dali from above could be one.)  NAKF


Oversized Story Books

The kind talented PreSchool and Kindergarten teachers are able to read aloud with them facing outward, the words upside down, and balanced across their lap so the kids can see the pictures. They have to stay printed and big. Example of sizes, 14″ x 16″, 18 x 18″, 18″ x 15″. I learned to read from my first words from oversized books. Run. See Spot run. (Talk about giving your age away!) NAKF


Scratch and Sniff books.

Just can’t be done in a digital format (although I wouldn’t miss them.) A search on Amazon brought up 226 Scratch and Sniffs, almost all children’s books. I was dismayed to discover amongst those cute kids books so called “adult” ones randomly placed in the mix. Gross and just wrong. The inadequacies I find in Amazon’s search engine continue to confound me. NAKF


Klutz Activity Books like Cats Cradle

And other books with toys. Amazon lists Cats Cradle under Toys and Games but it’s a book, with board pages, attached strings, and very detailed instructions how to play this classic game. Other tittles come with stuff like paints, propellers, or a deck of cards. NAKF


Pat the Bunny (Touch and Feel Book)by Dorothy Kunhardt

The name explains the issue. eInk can’t do texture. How can a toddler put a finger through Mother’s ring (a hole in the page) on a Kindle?  These clever people make the book from light weight tag board so every toddler destroys their copy and a new one must be bought when a sibling is born. According to Wikipedia,”In 2011, Random House Children’s Books released a “”pat the bunny”” app, inspired by the original book, for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch.” Oh please. Tell me that modern mothers don’t by into that, don’t beleive the app replaces the physical book.  NAKF

What books would you have included on this list?

The pBook Strikes Back! (printed books against ebooks)

In his  8/4/2011 Chicago Tribune article titled:  (link to article )

“Time For Book Publishers to Fight Dirty”

Aaron Gilbreath challenges Book Publishers to launch a TV ad campaign to counter Kindle Commercials.

“Kindles are convenient, but in environmental terms, they’re the cellulose acetate cigarette filter of the reading world.”

He also suggests commercials marketing to the senses, the smell and feel of a book.
Well he started it; ebooks need to launch a counter attack.

The Return of the eBook

Kindle owners and eBook lovers think Printed Book lovers should also consider
the musty dank, smell of OLD BOOKs!

This had been kind of fun and yet Time for Booksellers to Fight Dirty coming out of the Chicago Tribune is a creepy sign of the times. Who knew buying a Kindle would make a reader the enemy of books, that Kindle owners might need to consider going into the closet. Are there KA groups meeting in Library basements?  I wonder if the makers/owners of parchment scroll books attacked the new fangled bound book makers and owners?

The springboard for this blog came from a blog post in  The Digital Reader blog (which is one of my favorites.)
It’s time for publishers to start an ad campaign that attacks bookstores

Chicago Tribune, Time for Book Publishers to fight Dirty

Learn More:
How to Get Rid of Book Mites
How to Eliminate Mold and Mildew from Books.

Top Ten Practical Uses for Old Printed Books (eBooks Won’t Work)

Through the ages there have been many irreverent uses for books, especially in a pinch. I have fond childhood and adult memories of books used in unusual ways. I’ve put my books to every use listed, with the exception of #2. I abhor those who do interior design with books especially in home of those who don’t even read books, but alas it’s commonly done so it earned #2.

What uses are on your top ten list?
Please share them, leave a comment.


 Prop Window Open



 Hot Wheels Tunnel



 To Hide behind


 Booster Chair




 Flower Press


 Cheap Bookshelves

..(Boards & Piled Books)


 Monitor Height


 Interior Design



Illustrations by K LeRosier, photographs from Wikimedia Commons

What are You Reading Today? 8/8


Image by courosa via Flickr

I’m Reading: Disney’s Cars and Toy Story, both My Busy Books, Phidal Publishing Inc.

Both are have a fat spine holding 10 board pages books and a box compartment in the back with figurines and a play mat.  I bought the books for my twin great nephews 4th birthdays  from Borders close out sale after a appointment in Oak Park.  The Borders visit was sad event since both my kids and I have been stopping there after appointments for over ten years.

All Books were reduced a measly 20%. (My first thought was no wonder Borders went out of Business; they can’t even run closeout sales well.)

My Son is Reading: Sam’s Teach Yourself ASP Net 4.0 in 24 hours, Scott Michell. 

Which he bought at Borders–a long way from Busy Books these days.
(BTW $27.99 closeout price at Borders but would have been only $21.98 at Amazon, Kindle $15.39.)

The Casheir at Barnes & Noble is Reading Smokin Seventeen, Janet Evanovich (on her Nook of course.)

One of My many Sisters is Reading: The Gathering Storm, Robert Jorden & Brandon Sanderson