The Many Faces of my Kindle Guy

A while back I asked for name suggestions for my Kindle guy. I wasn’t sure how I would choose but I when I read the anonymous suggestion sent in via my contact page I knew it was his name.

Mykin Del

Thank you Anonymous. ID yourself in a comment and I’ll give you credit. I’ll probably drop the last name for the most part.

Now feels like a good time to review the evolution of Mykin Del – Kindle guy. You might not realize this but I create most of the illustrations for this blog. I’m rather proud of my work especially considering I build them on the primitive “Paint” program that came with my laptop. Kindle guy started with an image of a Kindle in used in my blog banner.  From there he varied until I perfected my prototype.

The Many Faces of Mykin

Do you like the name? Please comment.

Illustrations by Karen LeRosier

Top Ten Mishaps that Didn’t Break my Kindle

My worried protectiveness for my Kindle eased with time. As a result there have been mishaps and close calls. I prefer to read with the Kindle out of its protective cover and that’s proven to be a risky habit, along with sleeping and owning cats.

Pictured: Smog and Smoke

Read in the hot tub with Kindle in a Ziplock.
Which by the way worked well, I could turn pages right through the bag..
Almost stepped on Kindle lying on floor next to bed.
I fell asleep reading but didn’t even realize I dropped the Kindle.
Left the Kindle in a tote bag in the sun all afternoon on a 98 degree day.
The shade moved forgot Kindle was in there.
Dosed off while reading in an armchair and dropped the uncovered Kindle
. The landing thud on rug woke me.
Husband propped his feet on the coffee table and the Kindle.
He didn’t realize his calf was resting on the back of the Kindle. I set it face down and left for only a minute or three.
Woke in morning with Kindle in bed with me. I fell asleep reading.

Late Breaking Mishap: Last night I fell asleep, dropped the Kindle which toppled to the floor banging the nightstand on the way. It was fine. Strange timing, I wrote this post weeks ago.

Cat jumped from window sill to my nightstand landing ON my Kindle in the harder case. Smoke weighs 16 lbs.
Cat knocked over my coffee mug on table where Kindle rested
in cover but open (like a book.) Inside cover got wet but only a few droplets hit Kindle and screen. Don’t know which cat did it, both went running.
Played addicting word game and wore “E” off the Kindle keyboard. Strangely the safest, most reasonable behavior is the one thing that caused any harm. That’s another blog post.
  .Smog’s Paws

Please share your Kindle Mishaps (or pbook mishaps) in a Comment.  

(pbook= printed book like ebook = electronic book)

What are You Reading Today?

I’m Still Reading:  The Hour of Dust and Ashes, Kelly Gay

No reflection on Ms. Gay’s excellent writing.  I’ve been down from my 2-3 book a week average since starting the blog but not finishing a book in well over a week…Yikes. It was a stressful busy week, and I published 5 blog posts last week. Bedtime was the only time I found to read and I kept falling asleep after a few pages. I had to go to my sisters twice in a row for “other readers.”

A Sister is Reading: Snowflower and the Secret Fan, by Lisa See

A 2005 novel, general fiction with Chinese Fiction sub-genre.

Another Sister is Reading: The Last Time I was Me, by Cathy Lamb.

A 2008 novel also General Fiction.

Saturday…Just Saying

Thomas Berger 1924-

Author of Crazy in Berlin, Little Big Man, and Neighbors.

Quote found at:

You can Borrow Kindle eBooks from the Library now

With a valid library card you can borrow a Kindle ebook from your local library’s website as long as the library offers OverDrive digital services.  To order, just click on “Get for Kindle” and sign into your Amazon account. The selected book will be delivered to your Kindle or reading app wirelessly using Wi-Fi or transferred via USB. When your loan period is over, the ebook “expires”. I love that—no late fees.

The selection and availability of ebooks will vary with individual libraries. The time length of your Kindle ebook loan is determined by the loaning library, not Amazon or the Kindle Store.

For F.A.Q’s about Kindle eBook Library Lending click here.
Amazon 9/21/2011 Press Release click here.

I stopped borrowing library books years ago. It was too expensive for me. I’m rough on books; I eat with them and sleep with them; I forget to return them and I ended up with embarrassing tabs of  late fees and fines.  I think it’s time to get a library card and start borrowing Kindle ebooks. Hopefully my rural community library offers OverDrive digital services. When I get around to getting a card and trying to borrow my first ebook, I’ll blog a post about my experience.

Question to Readers, who do not own a Kindle:

Does the ability to borrow library ebooks alter your opinion about owning a Kindle?

Of course comments from those who already own a Kindle are desired as well.