Top Ten Books that Need to Remain in Printed Format

I prefer reading on my Kindle over a printed book. (see Top Ten Reasons I love My Kindle post) But there are some books that just belong in printed book format. Kid’s books dominate the list with books that provide texture, attached parts and even aromas. Another issue is size does mater, some books need to be large.
I hope these books will always be available on paper.
So far publishers agree. All of the types of books on the list can be purchased in printed format, 9 at Amazon, but only 1 of the 9 is available in Kindle format (AKF)


Where’s Waldo, Martin Handford

The illustrations on Waldo books spread across two pages, 12″ x 20″ crammed full of tiny people in a themed setting. The goal: Find Waldo, the guy in a red stripped hat and shirt. In each sequel book Waldo gets smaller and harder to find. Suggested ages bracket is 4-8. I think they would need help, no issue since preteens thru adults loved to find Waldo too. NAKF(Not Available in Kindle Format)


Bibles & other religious tomes

It would be definitely be easier to read a bible on a Kindle, and defininately easier to tote around. But there is something about the feel of a Bible. The paper just seems almost silky feeling to me. I love the feel of the paper edge when you fan the pages. I remember  the gilded edges of my Grandma’s bible and the things she stuck between pages. Hundreds of Bibles are sold in Kindle format as well as printed format. AKF


Works of Art Books

For instance, Slavadore Dali by Rachel Barnes. So much detail and quality is already lost when paintings are reproduced onto paper even in a 17”x 14” like this book. Too much more would be lost on a color Kindle or even a larger ipad. Pixels and Dali don’t mix. NAKF


School Yearbooks

What good is a yearbook without silly saying and autographs from classmates in the borders 2 good 2B 4gotten. For obvious reason yearbooks are not available at Amazon in any format.


Rand McNally Road Atlas and others

These books open up to a 15” X  21” state map spread and I wouldn’t want them any smaller. I love following a road trip on a map. GPS’s are great but you can’t see a whole road trip, where you came from and where you’re headed. A Kindle screen wouldn’t be much better. NAKF


Coffee Table Books

Those large glossy nonfiction books people display on coffee tables. A Kindle laying on the table just wouldn’t cut it. Usually full of large photographs and brief descriptions, typical coffee table book subject matter includes travel, National Parks, and Histories of Wars, Aviation, Art, or Architecture. (Slavador Dali from above could be one.)  NAKF


Oversized Story Books

The kind talented PreSchool and Kindergarten teachers are able to read aloud with them facing outward, the words upside down, and balanced across their lap so the kids can see the pictures. They have to stay printed and big. Example of sizes, 14″ x 16″, 18 x 18″, 18″ x 15″. I learned to read from my first words from oversized books. Run. See Spot run. (Talk about giving your age away!) NAKF


Scratch and Sniff books.

Just can’t be done in a digital format (although I wouldn’t miss them.) A search on Amazon brought up 226 Scratch and Sniffs, almost all children’s books. I was dismayed to discover amongst those cute kids books so called “adult” ones randomly placed in the mix. Gross and just wrong. The inadequacies I find in Amazon’s search engine continue to confound me. NAKF


Klutz Activity Books like Cats Cradle

And other books with toys. Amazon lists Cats Cradle under Toys and Games but it’s a book, with board pages, attached strings, and very detailed instructions how to play this classic game. Other tittles come with stuff like paints, propellers, or a deck of cards. NAKF


Pat the Bunny (Touch and Feel Book)by Dorothy Kunhardt

The name explains the issue. eInk can’t do texture. How can a toddler put a finger through Mother’s ring (a hole in the page) on a Kindle?  These clever people make the book from light weight tag board so every toddler destroys their copy and a new one must be bought when a sibling is born. According to Wikipedia,”In 2011, Random House Children’s Books released a “”pat the bunny”” app, inspired by the original book, for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch.” Oh please. Tell me that modern mothers don’t by into that, don’t beleive the app replaces the physical book.  NAKF

What books would you have included on this list?

Are eBooks Killing Books?

The Sky is Falling and eBooks will be the End of Printed Books, Bookstores, & Kids who Read

has become a popular theme in blog posts these days. Many of these posts are based on emotions, fear of change, and nostalgia with very few actual facts and current data.  (The eBook market is changing so fast any fact over two month old is probably grossly outdated.) 

This example is an excerpt of a comment made to a post from The Passive Voice.

“Books will be next, and so is the very definition of what a “book” even is. It will be dissolved into the flattened-graph diffusion of a global population shuffling digital snippets of increasingly valueless code back and forth to one another, especially once we reach the generation who grows up knowing nothing but e-books. The lowest common denominator is about to get a whole lot lower.”                        Full post at:

That is what I meant by emotional!

I loved physical books. When I gave in and bought the Kindle3 Wi-Fi, it was because of eyestrain; you can change font size. I expected a substandard reading experience. Guess what? The Kindle is simply a better reading tool than a book; in fact I don’t want to read the paperbacks in my “to be read” pile. Who knew? (My Kindle’s display is simple solid black type; it isn’t backlit, pixelated, or in color.)

What I learned is the magic of a book is the Story, the Words, not the ink on paper. I still think it will be sad if printed books disappear but then my Grandmother missed horses and radio shows. I do get the sadness of change but nostalgia is one thing, stopping progress is an entirely different thing.  

I’ve never read a stone tablet, hand written scroll/book, and my books were not printed from hand set lineotype like my Grandmother’s were. But I am still a reader. If my future grand-kids never hold a printed book and only read on eReaders, they will still be readers —and they can read  classic books on Kindle for free! Kids who are nurtured with stories will become readers no matter what the stories are read on.

Maybe the alarm ringers can console themselves by being happy for the trees not felled to make paper, and the pollution not spewed by shipping trucks or readers driving to the bookstore.

Besides some books will always be printed! After all, I need to buy my future grand-kids a printed version of “Pat the Bunny.”