How to Delete an Icky eBook-Permanently

Recently, I purchased an eBook that regretfully turned out to be what I would define as porn. Tastes vary but most of us have our own boundary between, love scenes and porn. We can easily tell when the line is crossed—your brain protests with an adamant internal exclamation of…

“Ick!”  AKA the Ick Factor.

So I have this “Icky” book I don’t want to read or even have on my Kindle. For the sake of discussion lets call this book  Over Xed.”

I deleted Over Xed.

To delete a book  from Kindle, underlined the title. Right click the five way controller, on the page that comes up, scroll to bottom and click Remove from Device.

Some time later, my Kindle froze up and I had to reload all my books from my Kindle archive at Amazon.

Over Xed reloaded as well.

I didn’t have the time to investigate so I simply deleted it again. Weeks later Kindle froze up again*

I got Over Xed back again.  Now I’m mad.

I don’t want Over Xed on my Kindle—it’s icky. Now I have to search for how.

So How Do You Permanently Delete an eBook from your Kindle Archive?

Use your PC to do this.  Go to Amazon Kindle Store. Click Manage Your Kindle at the upper right hand side of screen. This will bring up Your Kindle Library. Scroll down until you find the offending ebook. At the right of this e book hover over Actions. On the drop down menu click delete from library. It will ask you to confirm this action. Click Yes.  The book will stay off your Kindle and spare you further embarrassment. 🙂

Yay! Over Xed is finally gone for good. Shouldn’t there be some kind of sex rating system on Amazon for ebooks? Currently it seems to be up to the publisher. But that’s another post for another day.

*A frozen Kindle can result from an intermittent Wi-Fi connection and/or a lower battery charge while downloading—especially free book samples for some reason.

Top Ten Writing Interuptions.

Interruptions can be a relief or devastating to a writer.

The biggest lesson* I learned from working on a couple of novels over three years is the secret to writing is putting words to “paper” (computer screen) even when the muse is not with you or else your novel will never get finished.  Zen Zones are rare, the words flowing from your mind, the characters driving themselves, and your hands trying to keep up on the keyboard.

When zen zones are interrupted it’s a horrible thing. You might refocus your mind and keep telling the tale but you will NEVER get that steaming train back.  The problem is, the casual observer can’t tell you’re in that zone until you finally look up and they see that utterly blank where am I look. And then it’s too late. One exception: I truly believe my cats know when I’m in that zone and it fills them with the urge to demand my attention. Brats.

Fortunately most of my writing sessions can weather interruptions—if I don’t allow myself to get side-railed into doing something else.
My personal list of interruptions are loosely ordered by the frequency of occurrence.

Top Ten Writing Interruptions


This usually only happens when I’m in the Zen Zone. Suddenly I realize I’m sitting in darkness straining to see by the light of my laptop screen. When I get up to turn on the light, interruption 8, 7, 6, and/or 1 often follow.


I finish a chapter or scene and I just don’t know how to get where I want the story to go, or I can’t even decide where the story should go next. I just have to walk away and do something else.


I decide I’ve been in my office too long, I ought to clean house, cook dinner, or something.

Legs Go to Sleep

Eventually the tingling will pull me out of my writing and I have to walk and stomp the circulation back. Sometimes I can often get right back to writing since I don’t have to leave the room.


The need for a refill. Getting hungry is the same problem. There’s always a risk that once I go downstairs I won’t go back up. I’ll end up cleaning or putting in a load of laundry.

The Cats

One of the cat will walk across my keyboard or just stand on it.  I’m certain that they do this on purpose to get my attention. I’ve learned to save often!

The Phone

I don’t usually bring either cell or land line to my office so I can often ignore the ringing.

My Husband

He’ll see me sitting  quietly and decides it’s a good time to start talking. He claims that if I’m really deeply engrossed I won’t look up and I even answer him without stopping my typing. Skills of a long marriage!


I’ll switch windows to Google something, or search for a word that is eluding me. The problem is too often I’ll get too involved in the research and won’t get back to the writing.

Bathroom Break

The bane of the middle aged woman. There are some mornings I’ve had fleeting thoughts of putting a laptop desk in the bathroom. I can usually get right back to the writing and sometimes that little bit of brainstorming time helps the writing process. Sometimes I don’t get back to the computer but go of to do the things I’ve been neglecting.

* The second lesson is when you find yourself beating a dead horse-put it out of it’s misery and get a new one. Authors call it killing your darlings. Laying them to rest in a bottom drawer (archived file.)

Saturday…Just Saying, John Jakes

John William Jakes, 1932-

Author in many genres but most know for American historical fiction especially the Kent Family Chronicles and North and South Trilogy

John Jakes’ Web Site:

Thanksgiving Poll

Please indulge my curiosity about familiy Thanksgiving Traditions.

My answers: I’m cooking at my house this year. Both-we love stuffing. Fresh this year. TV off-if I have anything to say about it.

Whatever your traditions, have a

Happy Thanksgiving Day.

Ten Novels of Thanksgiving

Psychology Today provided this list of Thanksgiving Novels. This might seem like a strange source until you consider that whenever extended family members are invited together for a holiday meal, a bounty of emotions join in like uninvited guests. That and the fact that most families are more than a little…well crazy! Novel are not in top ten order.

Ten Novels of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Night, Richard Bausch

Bausch describes the novel as “a love comedy with sorrows.”  The book centers around two elderly aunts that the family calls “The Crazies” and the dramas of assorted family members.


The Ghost at the Table, by Suzanne Berne

A story of the Thanksgiving reunion of estranged and dysfunctional family.


Bitter Harvest, Susan Bowden

A suspenseful novel of another reunion of estranged family members but this one has family members of danger.


A Secret Affair by Barbara Taylor Bradford

Romance grows from American strangers in Venice who decide to celebrate Thanksgiving together.


The Thanksgiving Visitor, Truman Capote

This tale based on Capote’s youth is not available on Kindle or I would order it. I’ll have to settle for the TV adaptation on YouTube in several parts. The short story is a sequel to “A Christmas Memory”  which I’ve read and loved. (I also loved  the TV adaptation with the funny fruitcake production.)


Courting Disaster, Julie Edelson

A funny and sad southern Thanksgiving novel that actually has a Psychiatrist in attendance at the holiday meal. Sounds efficient. Not available on Kindle.


The Lay of the Land  Richard Ford

This novels chronicles a Thanksgiving with Frank Bascombe the popular character from Ford’s Independence Day and The Sportswriter.


Dear James, Jon Hassler

A moving novel about friendship and an elderly woman celebrating Thanksgiving with friends. Not available on Kindle.

Model Behavior, Jay McInerney

This novel is about a Thanksgiving dinner in a classy restaurant with glamorous people who are not the happy (or classy) people they seem to be on the surface. The story is a drama although the holiday meal scene is supposed to be hilarious.


The Harrowing, Alexandra Sokoloff

This novels is a scary ghost story about college students spending Thanksgiving on campus.


Adapted from Psychology today article: